Berean Blog

Random thoughts from a Doulos Theos (servant of God)

Location: Rocky Point, North Carolina, United States

Thursday, September 15, 2005

As evidenced by the existence of this post, Ophelia left us unscathed. We "suffered" only a loss of power for four or five hours. If that's the worst we face this year, I'll happily take it.

We did not end up relocating, but took what little chance there was at the Doulos shanty. My primary concern was any tornadoes that may have been spawned. After the fatalities (one of whom was a close friend and roommate to an Arrow cousin) from last year's visitor to Rocky Point, I would have to admit it weighed heavily upon my partially-sanctified mind. A far more secondary concern was the power. One of the few drawbacks to living with a well is: when power goes, water goes.

We did make a startling discovery once the worst of the winds passed us; the top of one of the trees in the front yard snapped right off. It was about ten inches in diameter and ten feet in length, and could have caused some damage. However, it inexplicably fell straight down, and the only damage done was the hole it impaled into the ground. The angels were on duty and all was serene -- we didn't even know it happened, and we were all right there in the living room just a few feet away!

Thank you for your prayers; I hope to share more in the not-so-distant future...


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