Berean Blog

Random thoughts from a Doulos Theos (servant of God)

Location: Rocky Point, North Carolina, United States

Monday, January 09, 2006

Today, I got a vivid reminder of one reason I love North Carolina -- the weather.

I used to have a commanding officer that said, "If you don't like the weather in Southeastern North Carolina, just wait 15 minutes!" I've heard that same expression used in other portions of the country, but I'm just biased enough to snort derisively {okay maybe not, but doesn't it just sound good??}.

Overnight last night, it was almost freezing. Tonight, the brood sat down to enjoy our latest Netflix proffering (more on that later), and the following thought occurred to me as I waved away an insect that flitted past me. I'm sitting barefoot in my second-hand easy chair (picked up for a steal at a roadside sale) in front of our open front door in shorts, wondering if I should change out of sweatshirt into a t-shirt -- in January (residents of the north, I'd apologize, but it wouldn't be sincere!)!

I'm thinking of reconsidering wearing shorts, though. A week or two ago, my mother-in-law stopped by to drop off a few things for my lovely bride, and I walked out on the back porch (in shorts) to see her off. It was then I realized that she had a couple of her friends with her, one of whom just happens to be a wonderful family friend and member of our Sunday School class. This friend is a dear woman in her 60's, originally from New York City, who is very opinionated and not hesitant to share her opinions with anyone within earshot. She opened her window of the car to remark, "Oh Lee, you got some nice legs!"

I share that story in order to share this one. My mother-in-law brought a woman to church yesterday who originally met us when we went to a Christmas party at Gresham Place (where Mama lives). Before I started teaching, I walked over to greet our visitor, who was sitting with Mama and this aforementioned friend.

As I walked away, these three ladies were talking loud enough for me to hear the visitor remark that I had a wonderful smile. The former New Yorker responded, "Yeah, and you should see his legs!" As I pondered responding, I heard Dee speak up, "He's mine!" I dunno, does the average Sunday School teacher deal with this???

Exciting news today! Ted Kennedy is publishing a children's book!! Is this really credible? Is this not like O.J. Simpson or Robert Blake writing a book on marital intimacy?

We watched a comedy video tonight that I wasn't sure I'd like. However, the Blue Collar Comedy Tour is a gem. I laughed so hard, I'm pretty sure my heart briefly stopped! As the video ended, we were all still rolling, and one of the Arrows said,
"I have to go to the bathroom, and I don't know if I can make it!"
"Get out of your mother's chair!!"

It's been awhile since we all laughed together quite so much -- it was a nice break.

It's late, and I really should end this. Love to all...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually that quote about the weather is used when talking about Texas. Your commanding officer must have been from San Antonio.

12:04 AM  

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