Berean Blog

Random thoughts from a Doulos Theos (servant of God)

Location: Rocky Point, North Carolina, United States

Friday, October 07, 2005

I detest rain. I really do.

Lest I offend any agri-readers, I hasten to acknowledge that rain is essential. I am fully aware of its necessity. That said, I also acknowledge the necessity of root canals. (Whoa, flashbacks of Chuck Barris!)

For the past two and a half days, it has rained continuously, and my nerves are grating. If I lived somewhere like Seattle, I think I'd be borderline psychotic. I was talking Wednesday night to a dear sister in Christ, and she told me that rain energizes her. Not so your humble narrator -- precipitation tends to make me one moody, gloomy, dreary schizo.

It may also be exacerbated by the fact that we were informed Wednesday by my employer of six years that our positions are being absorbed into a center in Florida, and in two weeks, we'll receive a small severance package and walk out the door the final time.
I certainly don't fault the company. Utilities protection is a cutthroat, low profit margin business, and the ever-elusive bottom line is difficult to control. The fact that we even received any sort of notice whatsoever is a true boon, with a severance package an extreme rarity.
That doesn't alter the fact that the always-unknown future contains a larger-than-ever question mark. We sat down with the Arrows and talked them through it. We are choosing to take it in faith, and (as I shared with Dee) the calm that has settled in my spirit has surprised even me.

If you blinked this week, you probably missed a more monumental event. I shudder to think of the implications of this move. Hidden taxes imposed upon ISP's (passed on of course, to us, the end users)? Unprecedented levels of monitoring? The much-awaited arrival of the .XXX domain? Whatever the result, I believe it is but one more step toward the global control necessary for the Coming World Leader (aka the AntiChrist).

On a lighter note, but almost as ominous, is another story across which I stumbled. Whatever happened to, "Your freedom ends where my nose begins"? My hat is off to Southwest Airlines, because this kind of stand is increasingly becoming both rare and unpopular (probably a connection there). I can remember a time when a person (particularly a young woman) wouldn't dream of owning such a shirt (or at least wearing it in public), let alone expecting the "right" to do so.
Yes, now that we are a more "tolerant" and "progressive" society, the only unwelcome stand left may soon be the one that you take for Christ.

Speaking of rights, I found this rather telling. What do you think of Mister Esseks's view on education? Quite enlightening, is it not? Parents don't have the right to dictate the education of their own children? I have known for some time that the mindset of most professional educators is typical liberal philosophy ("we're smarter than you, so just shut up and let us handle this for you, because we care"), but situations such as this serve only to confirm my concerns.
"If parents don't like it they can homeschool, they can go to a private school, they can go to a religious school. " Thank you, Mister Esseks, that's precisely what we'll continue to do!
From where does this level of audacity come??? It's been coming for awhile -- it started when we thought it prudent to protect our children from anything harmful, a noble pursuit in itself; but where does it stop? I've been holding onto this column for a few weeks, but it fits in here very well.

Sure, give over all control to government and other agencies who claim to know better than you what is best for you. Be a lemming, fit in, trust the professionals, don't bother to think or question. And (pardon the expression), G-d forbid you follow Scripture (after all, it's just so difficult to understand). And while you're at it, try to overlook the fact that our government gave us this situation!
They're trying, though; just perhaps we can hope that we'll someday reach the point in our government schools that we can be just like Cuba!

I'm sorry if this posting has drifted toward the negative or sarcastic; it might be the weather. I'll do my best to post more this weekend, and I'll try to make it more upbeat.

As always, may the peace of Christ rule in your hearts and minds, beloved.


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