Berean Blog

Random thoughts from a Doulos Theos (servant of God)

Location: Rocky Point, North Carolina, United States

Friday, August 12, 2005

Okay, the picture post yesterday was just experimentation!

Well, Friday has arrived.

I keep waiting for the sense of jubilation that usually accompanies Fridays, but alas, it has yet to arrive. It may have something to do with the weekend ahead - the events calendar is overbooked, to say the least!

Today, Michael and Ashley are going into one of the area subdivisions with an outreach team from Wilmington Bible Chapel, where they attended Awana. It's an area not far from where a Wilmington Police Sergeant was shot recently, so Dee was understandably concerned. It's definitely a new experience!

Tomorrow is a preparation day for Liberty's annual Heroes Day. Our family had little involvement in planning it this year, which was nice, because it's shaping up to be the best one yet (hmm, is there a connection?), but the kids are involved in helping set up for it, and then serving during the lunch afterward. Ashley is also singing during the service.
After the lunch, we'll leave early to hold church service at White Oak (a new apartment complex similar to, and managed by the owners of, Gresham Place).

Sometime tomorrow, I'll be preparing the sermon for White Oak, plus coming up with a new study for Wednesday nights. After Pastor finished his study I mentioned yesterday, he asked me if I wanted to go back to teaching on Wednesdays -- what was I going to say? May as well ask Fred Astaire if he wants to dance or Michael Jackson if he feels like babysitting!
The challenge is a topic. I had thought of a study on the attributes of God (no one ever accused me of being an underachiever - well, okay they have, but why ruin a chance to be flippant?); I started research, and realized I was perhaps, uh, losing sight of the fact that Wednesday night Bible study is supposed to be brief? My latest leaning is a study on the book of Habakkuk; short, relevant, and a chance of completing the study sometime before I retire.
Not that I would mind a long stretch of teaching on Wednesday, it's just that Moody Bible Institute's fall semester starts August 23rd, and as long as the V.A. sorts through my GI Bill application in time, I'll be plenty occupied.

Speaking of being occupied, we have been trying for quite awhile now to resolve the situation involving Michael's paintball gun. Brief summary: in February, the kids were playing with their paintball guns, our neighbors found a paint dab on their truck windshield near a small crack, filed charges (in April) on Michael for damage to property, we settled (to avoid further problems, even though we knew we could have won), and have now been waiting for the return of Michael's paintball gun, which was confiscated for testing.
Never mind the fact that the investigating detective (who makes it very apparent that she is a Christian) sat in our living room and bold-faced lied to Dee that no charges would be filed (it was ultimately up to her how far the whole debacle progressed). Never mind the fact that we ended up paying $280.00 for a broken windshield that wasn't broken and for which we had no legal responsibility. Never mind the fact that they took Michael's rifle to test it (proving in the process that it was incapable of causing the alleged damage). But we want it back!
Dee has already called the court liaison, who assured her that he would contact the detective (and to call him back if we didn't hear from her). We waited over two weeks, then I called him yesterday. he told me to call the Sheriff's Department. I did -- they told me I would have to talk to the detective, but she was in a class. I left a message on her voicemail, with both our home number AND my work number. No contact. My next step is to call her today repeatedly until I get a response. Failing that, I may just email the County Sheriff himself.
This is just ludicrous. I told Dee that if a citizen had kept "government property" (I put that in quotes because in my philosophy, government, as an entity and not an individual, is logically, morally, and physically incapable of property ownership, but that's a different and long diatribe) in this manner, they'd be locked up.
To put it more simply, imagine checking a book out of your local library, then keeping it for four months. Sure, try that sometime, and see if you don't get hit with massive fines, and court summons!

Anyway, I'll keep everything updated as events unfold. We value your prayers!


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