Berean Blog

Random thoughts from a Doulos Theos (servant of God)

Location: Rocky Point, North Carolina, United States

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Friday Eve!

It's Friday Eve! Isn't that a nicer way to think of Thursday?

Thursday is classically my slow day, metabolically. From birth (as I understand, because my memory obviously isn't that far-reaching), I have not been one to relish staying still long enough to sleep. The daily end result is falling into a deep sleep within scant minutes after laying down, usually around 11:30 PM. The weekly end result is that by Thursday, I'm running as close to slow-motion as I ever get.

Not to discount Thursday as a "day the Lord has made", mind you. I just struggle with the "rejoice and be glad in it" part the most at this time each week.

Last night, Pastor Tilly finished the study he's been doing on Wednesday nights on "Living the Life God Rewards" . He laid down a challenge that should have been so apparent, but I've overlooked somehow: we should be living for the "Well done, good and faithful servant" commendation from Christ. If we face every situation and every decision of every day, with that in mind, it will revolutionize our lives. It's a remarkable concept that bears incorporating into my daily life.

Speaking of which, we received word yesterday that the management of Gresham Place, where we hold Sunday afternoon church services every other week, received two complaints about some fliers we distributed last week. They were pretty basic, a PowerPoint slide with the questions, "Do religious people go to Heaven? Which religion is the right one? How religious do I have to be?", with an invitation to join us (my message was titled "Religious But Lost", about the rich young ruler in Luke 18). The flier contained contact information for the church, and that was about it. Mama (Dee's mother) posted a copy on the recreation room door, and a copy to each resident's door.
It seems that two of the Roman Catholic residents complained to the management, claiming that they were offended. We've had a couple of residents who were formerly Roman Catholic accept Christ during our ministry there, and immediately thereafter, two women from a local RC church started giving communion there, and telling people that they would go to Hell if they came to our services! We haven't heard much from them since, but apparently, the influence lingers. My first reaction was indignation, but quickly faded to rejoicing; we wouldn't encounter resistance if we weren't making inroads into the enemy's territory!
Will we stop distributing fliers? Yes, out of respect for the management there, who are giving us the courtesy of ministering there (I'm still amazed that the "offended" residents didn't contact us directly). Will this otherwise affect our ministry there? Yes - it's encouraged me that we're doing the right thing!! Hallelujah!

Along the lines of doing the right thing, Dee and I are considering putting at least Michael, and possibly Ashley into a local government school this year. Ideally, it will give them easier transition into college/military service, but it will also give them a broader exposure to what they are facing.
Even two months ago, I wouldn't have entertained the notion of taking them out of home school, but they are both getting such a heart for the lost, that it's difficult to deny them the opportunity to reach out to circles of influence they wouldn't otherwise have. Please pray with us for wisdom as we consider this (Colossians 1:9-14); we need to make a decision fairly quickly.

One other item: we're watching Irene; we'll keep you posted!

God bless, and we'll "talk" soon!


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